Children's Garden


This past Saturday two other interns and I helped with the first day of children's garden.  Each kid, with the help of their parents, has their own plot with an assortment of veggies to grow this summer in eager expectation of several bountiful harvests. I believe it is important to teach kids where their food comes from at an early age so that they grow up with an appreciation and respect for the food they have been given and the health of their bodies. We often hear the negative side of the problem with kids sitting inside with their brains going to mush with their hands in a bag of potato chips.

But on the other side of this issue are kids with shovels in their hands and minds bursting with imaginations and creativity and parents who help provide them with access to places like the Winterthur Children's garden. These kids were so focused and excited to get seeds in the ground and water them in. It was so refreshing to watch in a world that seems to sometimes only focus on what is wrong. But on Saturday in the garden there seemed to be a whole lot of right happening.

PlantsMolly Hendry