Stuck in the Middle


I am smack dab in the middle of 3 girls in our family. I have grown up being known as Leigh's younger sister or Margaret Anne's older sister. I can't say I hate it for two reasons:

A) I like to fly under the radar 

B) Both my sisters are the coolest people I know, and I like being called theirs. 

Last Thursday Leigh graduated from Westminster Theological Seminary in Philly with a Masters in Counseling. She is brilliant with people. She is the best listener I know and always seems to know how to give the best advice. She just like my mom when it comes to hospitality. There are always fresh flowers and fun places she wants to take guests and clean sheets and a hot pot of coffee waiting for them in the morning. She is brave and curious and strong, but she is also deeply thoughtful and intentional. Her laugh is contagious and her adventurous spirit is infectious. As long as I can remember I have wanted to be just like her. 

Margaret Anne turned 21 last Wednesday and trails me by a near 15 months and 2 days, although her maturity surpasses me by about 24 years. When I think of Margaret Anne I think of unbridled joy. She is the person who gets 446 likes on an instagram of her toenail because she has known and loved so many people. We shared a bathroom growing up, and although she never remembered to put a new thing of toilet paper on the roll, she never forgot to show me love an encouragement each day. She has interned at our church and worked at a summer sports camp the past few years. I love watching her walk into a room and see kids running from every direction to hug her. Each kid has a connection with her because she is that kind of person, deeply caring, intuitive, and compassionate. I knew the Lord would channel her vast amounts of energy for his glory, and I could not be more proud to be someone's big sis. 

This past weekend we were all 5 home to celebrate Margaret Anne as she was presented at the Ball of Roses in Birmingham. We danced the night away in long dresses and bow ties with friends who drove from all over to be there. Its always fun to celebrate exceptional people, and I am pretty lucky to be caught in the middle of two of the best.

PenMolly Hendry