Reflecting Pool Reflections


Ah. The reflecting pool. 

It's black, it's rectangular, and everyone seems to wonder how deep it actually is. 

It is Winterthur's garden icon. The terraces and pool were designed by Marian Coffin, and she drew her inspiration from the water features and terraces of Italian Renaissance gardens. It's quite fancy, but in a peaceful and intimate fancy kind of way. Each morning before I blow off the debris from the terraces I just stop and look at the space in the morning light. I think its most beautiful before anyone has disturbed it, with the petals softly laying below a blooming tree and the greenness of the hill is cool and dewy...

But then I crank up the backpack blower and ruin the really beautifully serene mental picture you have right now.

Speaking of mental pictures, I often imagine myself on a floatie holding a pina colada with an umbrella straw floating around in the reflecting pool after work, just chilling in the afternoon sun. I could talk to the visitors whilst floating in the reflecting pool, pose for some pictures in my shades, answer all their questions about controlling algae growth and how deep the pool is. I would be like a floating garden tour guide. 

Although my dreams of fruity drinks and floaties may never come to be, I did get to put on waders and hop into the reflecting pool to place the water plants. I was having an absolute ball. Pictures say 1000 words, so I'll let you deduct the rest of the story.

PenMolly Hendry